Treatment for Female Clients Only

Alison Strauss ne de Vries

Wellness and Massage Specialist


I was 40 weeks pregnant when I messaged Alison for an appointment; after I was informed that I was going to be induced during the course of the week, which I was really not keen on. Alison was kind enough to fit me into her busy schedule. Arriving for my appointment, I was in a headspace where I felt completely unprepared for a natural delivery without an epidural. Alison helped change that- she changed my entirely negative mindset into a positive one.

Alison taught me how to manage my pain instead of shying away from it, to embrace the feelings and changes in my body. She also taught me how to resist the urge to tighten up when I experienced Braxton Hicks contractions and eventually full contractions, as that closes one’s body down and pushes the progress of labour further away. She taught me some techniques to help me to cope, so that my labour would progress and I could help myself connect spiritually and draw on my strength to get through my labouring process. I am extremely grateful for all her help and motivation; it helped me all the way to being 6cm dilated without any pain intervention!

I highly recommend Alison’s Birthprep-Induction treatment sessions to other mums-to-be – my only regrets are that I did not contact Alison earlier to go to her for some pregnancy massage, and that I could not have the recommended two Birthprep sessions.

Ayesha Paruk

I went to see Alison for induction massages in the 3 days leading up to my 40 week checkup. I was racing the clock as I was trying for a natural delivery after a previous C section 22 month prior and so my Dr was not very happy with letting me go over 40 weeks.

After the 3rd massage on the Thursday morning I went into labour exactly 17 hours later (As Alison had predicted). Alison doesn’t only perform the most amazing full body induction massage, she also makes you feel so relaxed and positive leaving each session feeling like “You have got this”.

She was the positive reinforcing rock that I needed in my last week of pregnancy when I began to doubt the abilities of my own body. I can’t thank her enough for what she helped me achieve by letting my baby choose her own birth date.

Robyn-Jenna Turton

After 40 weeks of pregnancy, the abundant joy that I felt looking forward to meeting my little one, was tainted only by my anxiety of not going into labour naturally. It was all I could think about…A natural inducement to deliver my baby.

After walking about 2..5km a day and eating all the pineapples and dates I could find, I read about Allison and her aromatherapy inducement massages

What a relief it was when I went into labour 12 hrs after my last massage with Al. So when my 2nd baby was due, naturally I went back to Alison. Gosh, I couldn’t even complete my 3 course inducement massage because I went into labour 7 hrs after my 2nd treatment!

Thank you Alison for all your help.

Ashnie Maharaj

I had an emergency caesarean with my firstborn, after having been induced at 41 weeks.

I was determined to have a VBAC with my second child, but was worried I would not go into labour before my gynae’s time limit for a VBAC.

Alison recommended I see her for three consecutive appointments: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. She said if the inducement massage worked I should go into labour on Saturday.

I had already been taking homeopathic remedies and had acupuncture twice, so didn’t want to get my hopes up.

I had my first contraction early on Saturday morning and baby was born naturally just after midnight.

I feel that seeing Alison made an impact on my going into labour and would recommend her to other moms who need to induce labour.

Jessica Mardon

Being past my due date and over 40 weeks preggies , too afraid to have a c-section , my gynaecologist referred me to Alison for an inducement massage. It was absolutely amazing. I felt relaxed and calm in that warm welcoming environment. Alison assured me everything will be good and most of all that I will “do” good. Believe it or not , I was in labour a day later! An extremely amazing feeling a woman can go through during her lifetime. Thanks Alison for all the advice and tips on how to cope and manage my birth.

Zainab Haffejee

I heard about Lasting Impressions- Alison Strauss ne de Vries from my antenatal class and decided to try out the pregnancy package. It was absolutely divine and exactly what any pregnant woman needs. I felt pampered and completely relaxed! The only downfall was hearing about it in my 8th month, I missed out on 8 months of bliss!

About a week before my due date, I was told that I would have to be medically induced if I went over my due date. I was told that the inducement massage would be much less invasive, so decided to try it out. About 8 hours later, I was in labour! I had a fairly easy labour and a natural birth, which I personally feel was greatly due to the massage.

No words can describe the wonderful treatment that I received! The therapists are amazing: friendly, professional and take a keen personal interest in all of their clients. They went out of their way to make me feel comfortable and at ease. I am very impressed and would recommend Lasting Impressions to all, pregnant or not! Thank you Alison and Bavisha!


I arrived at my first session of induction massage with Alison was at 39 weeks pregnant feeling very stressed about the birth of my second baby. I was super tense and had googled everything that was related to birthing. I honestly had over thought EVERYTHING!

Then Alison came into my life. Wow. It was like I was meeting a long lost friend right from the beginning. My body was exhausted. My mind was over thinking. Yet, she met me where I was at and I started my course of induction massage to allow this baby the opportunity to arrive by herself before the doctors started putting all sorts of pressure on.

It was the BEST decision I ever made. I left my sessions feeling so positive, relaxed and confident that I was going to birth my baby the way my body wanted to, and that I could in fact do this! Alison is so knowledgeable and I phoned a friend of mine after I left the first session and said to her, it was a holistic experience. Full body, mind and soul, I felt completely at peace after our sessions.

Thank you Alison for being such a wonderful positive influence at the end of my pregnancy.

You have got magic hands!

Georgie Kelly

Having my first baby came with a lot of emotions, both happy and not so happy times. Lets not forgot the body aches and challenges with breast feeding.

Alison welcomed me and gave me an abundance of advice which i will carry with me forever. Her hands are golden, her massages make you feel well, and wanting to come back for more! I did double sessions, and enjoyed it thoroughly.

She focuses on areas of need, for me it was getting back my pre baby state and assisting with engorgment. I am so glad i found her. She came highly recommended, and for good reason too. I strongly recommend her pre and post!

Sameera Hoosen

I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the time you took to give me a pep-talk on Tuesday.
I called you for a treatment, and you were full, but you took the time to chat to me, and made a HUGE difference in my life. Without our chat my birth experience would not have been a good one. I have thought of you so many times since then, and thanked you in my heart, and verbally to people listening to my story…

Our beautiful daughter was born safely on wed, and with a mum who coped so, so much better because of you


Sarie Holder

I had an inducement massage before c-section because of breech baby. Definitely helped to relax me and increase braxton hicks before surgery day – therefore preparing baba to enter into the world. Highly recommended.


I have been meaning to message you
but just haven’t got round to it.

I just wanted to let you know that you finished
my massage at 1pm on that Friday and my water broke at 3pm the following Saturday.

I told Dr Wellensiek about the massage and he said you must definitely leave your info at his rooms. Thank you so much

Carla De Greeve
